Production Planning: Unearthed

As the production planning gets underway, the design brief has become such a useful document. I've included all information on local partners, the aims of the project, background of the issue and the testimonies of all survivors and upstanders. Also to be added is all of the text on the 'places' section, which is currently being translated into Hindi as well.

What's been great about having all of that content in one place is that, firstly, when reading through it, it's possible to pick out key words.

The main thing I've been working on today, though, is the planning for the panels within the space. We need to move on this quite quickly, because we need to make sure we have enough of a budget - so, we need to work out what we need, on what substrate, in order to get a quote so we can find out if we have enough money to realise our plan. And so the circle goes. It's a bit difficult getting info out of the production people at this stage, but they're been working on another project, so hopefully this will change (very soon!).

The planning began with the measurements of the walls, which were all in inches. I converted all sizes, then added the images the production people sent of the space and drawings of the walls.

I then drew up new plans from this (it was handy to be able to scribble on the design brief!), and now we have a pretty clear idea of where everything will be installed. I still have a lot of questions about the materials, but it has been narrowed down to flex board (for images) and vinyl (either panels or laser cut and weeded type) for text.

Going through this process also allowed me to see where some content was missing and query it (there will be accompanying text in the 'places' section, which will be added to the design brief when it's finalised). There are also logos to add, but the versions of these that have been sent so far are for online use only, not for print. Again, having this central document has meant that these things are being checked (and hopefully fixed) before design begins.

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